

Variations in Darts.

Standard 501 'Normal' darts:
You start with 501 points and the score of each throw is deducted from this. You win the game if you have exactly 0 points left. Your last throw needs to be a double (or in the rose, which also counts as a double). For example, if you have 20 points left, you need to throw double 10 to win, not single 20!

Standard 301:
The same as Standard 501. However, you start with 301 points and you have to throw a double or a rose (Bulls eye) before you can deduct points. This is called Double in.

Around the Board:
You need to hit each number on the board in the right order (starting with 1) and conclude with a throw in the rose. It does not matter if you throw a double or triple, as long as you throw the correct number. When you throw the correct number, you continue to the next. The player who first throws all numbers in ascending order, and then throws the bulls eye wins.

Each player tries to throw the 1 in the first throw, the 2 in the second throw, 3 in the third and so on until the 20. Only throws in the correct number count.

At the time that a player throws the single, the double AND the triple of the correct number, then it is Shanghai and he will always wins, regardless of the score at that moment.

The only numbers that are used in this game are 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and both parts of the rose (Bulls eye). If a player throws one of these numbers 3 times then this is called "closed" (closed). The goal of the game is to close each number and the rose. The order in which this happens does not matter. A treble counts as 3 throws in the number in question, a double as 2 and a rose as 2 x 25. To win you must also have as many or more points than your opponent. Once a player has closed a number, you can still get points by throwing them, but only if your opponent has not yet closed the number. If both players have closed a number then you cannot score more points with it. So if you have thrown all numbers of 15-20 and the Bulls eye, but you are behind in terms of points, then you can only score in the numbers that your opponent has not yet closed.

The scoreboard will let you see each number that you already have thrown or need to throw during the game. Value Meaning:
0 has not been thrown
1 1x thrown
2 2x thrown
S closed, but you can collect points on it because your opponent has not closed this number.
X Closed and you cannot collect more points on it.

The numbers 1 till 18 represent the holes for a 72-par golf course. Every hole is a par 4.

You play a certain hole by throwing the three darts to the corresponding number on the dartboard. The number of thrown points determines how many strokes you need for a hole. The treble gives 3, The double 2 and the single 1 point.

Points Strokes:
0 to 6 - Double Bogey
1-5 - Bogey
2 or 3-4 - Par
4 or 5-3 - Birdie
6 or 7 - 2 - Eagle
8 or 9-1 - Hole In One
The player with the least amount of strokes needed to play all 18 holes has won.

Double Trouble:
Similar to "Around The Board", only you should hit the doubles of the numbers 1 through 10 in order, and finish in the rose (Bulls eye). The player who does this first wins.

Team Darts:
This is playing darts with 4 persons and can only be started by a VIP or a SuperVIP. He/she determines as well the starting position.

The starting position is variable because a VIP can determine this for himself, this cannot be done with the solo games.
According to the official rules, the team always starts with a score of 901.
On devplatform you can choose between 6 standard points, 501, 601, 701, 801, 901 or 1001
The VIP can for example, start a game of 10,000 points or more.
To do this, you have to click the compartment "Other" off, and then you can put in a number of points.
You can also put in the 'best off how many legs' that you want to play.
The throwing of a dart goes as followed: click with your mouse next to the dartboard on the green dot. The first is to stop the upper, horizontal bar, the second for the right, vertical bar. After the second click the arrow is thrown.
First turns are thrown with 3 arrows and turns are switched after each arrow, who throws the highest, may begin.
The top player of the team that has thrown the highest may start throwing first. 
This score is then deducted from the starting position.
Then the turn will go to the opposition. They may also throw 3 darts, and then the turn will go to the other two players.
Please note that your partner and yourself have to finish with a double, as with the solo games.
Above the dartboard you will see the total score, alongside the board you will see the score that needs to thrown.
Team Darts is still without points.
You will see now how much you've teamed and how many legs you have won or lost.
The team that has lost may start the next leg.


Kurze Spielbeschreibung:

Nur ein paar Würfe, ein Satz oder doch gleich ein ganzes Match? Lerne unser beliebtes Darts kennen!

Ziel des Spiels:

Darts wird im Normalfall von 2 Personen gespielt. nach jeweils 3 Würfen, ist der andere Spieler an der Reihe. Je nachdem, welcher Modus gespielt wird (mormalerweise 301 und 501), gewinnt der Spieler, welcher zuerst seine Punkte auf 0 reduziert.

Grundregeln des Spiels:

1. Du gewinnst das Spiel, indem du deine Punkte (In den meisten Fällen ist der Spielmodus 301 oder 501) auf Null reduzierst.

2. Der letzte Pfeil, muss entweder das sogenanntes "Double" oder das innere des "Bullseye" treffen. Die Punkte müssen genau auf 0 reduziert werden.

3. Es gibt noch einige andere Spielmodi, wie z.B. Cricket oder ATB. Hier muss man z.B. mehrere bestimmte Ziele treffen, oder aber auch Ziele in einer bestimmten Reihenfolge abarbeiten.